U-RUST Black Oxide (40mL) - A.MIG-2252 - AMMO

Code: A.MIG-2252
  • Product from a group: AMMO
  • Available quantity: < 10
  • Product weight: 0.06 kom
Retail price: $9,62
Web price: $9,62
Price dostave: $10,38

AMMO's new U-RUST range is a new formula designed to create rust effects on your models. It is not regular paint that simulates a rust finish, but an actual oxidation process, and it would be very difficult to get a better result than easily achieved with U-RUST. AMMO has managed to adapt an ordinary chemical reaction to our scale models.

Product formulated to create coarse deep oxide. Ideal for simulating areas of deep oxidation on ships or fantasy subjects. Provided in a convenient 40 ml (1.35 fl oz) container. Compatible with the entire U-Rust range.

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