U-RUST Rust Reactor Type 2 - A.MIG-2258 - AMMO

Code: AMIG2258
  • Product from a group: AMMO
  • Manufacturer: AMMO BY MIG
  • Available quantity: < 10
  • Product weight: 0.02 kom
Retail price: $5,61
Web price: $5,61
Price dostave: $10,38

AMMO's new U-RUST range is a new formula designed to create rust effects on your models. It is not regular paint that simulates a rust finish, but an actual oxidation process, and it would be very difficult to get a better result than easily achieved with U-RUST. AMMO has managed to adapt an ordinary chemical reaction to our scale models.

Liquid formulated for spraying (not suitable for airbrush use) or brush application over the U-Rust range of products. Rust Reactor 2 creates different shades of rust on the surface and accelerates the oxidation process of the entire U-Rust range. Provided in a convenient 15 ml (0.5 fl oz) container with dropper.

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